Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Cat/Dog Uniqueness of ASL


Judge said...

Here is my response: Click me

LaRonda said...

Hi. I have to chuckle at both you and Judge. First, I thought that was cool to spell cat and dog at the same time, but I must be finger impaired! I can't do it! I can put my head and rub my tummy at the same time, but for the life of me, I cant seem to spell both at the same time. Grrrr.....

As for Judge, I haven't seen the NJ sign for dog, but when you showed us, I was on the floor rolling! You gotta wonder where those NJ dogs have their noses! Bhah-ha-ha! :)

~ LaRonda

Oscar Chacon said...

I can do the reversal.

I can do M-O-M and D-A-D.

I can YUMMY and HAT.

What else? I'll let other commenters throw in more ideas.

I like the Judge's example, hahaha!

Anonymous said...

hola! CAT/DOG has been around for awhile- always so funny to watch anyone who tried this :-) and I wondered who invented this CLASSIFIERS tool?


Deb Ann and Hannah said...

I wonder if you can do A to Z and Z to A at the same time? My class students and I tried to do that, but it's never that easy!

Anonymous said...

I borrow friend Video tape and saw
one lady name?? She can fingerspelling 3 animals
Cow,Cats and Dod It really blwo my mind out
Anyone u know her name???
She was good ASL comedian\I saw about 10 yrs ago

Anonymous said...

unfortunately, as a deaf person myself, i cannot do it at all. ;) My hearing sister on the other hand is an expert and quick at it. lol....too bad i can't video her but perhaps one of these days

Beaux Arts de Boutjean said...

I second, third, fourth, fifth!
Hearing people have no two vocal

So unique that I think that
deaf people have TWO languages:
one functions in the right
hemisphere and the other in the
left hemisphere!

ASL is THE unsurpassable

By the way, welcome back to the
world of the deaf blogosphere!

Jay said...

Grins. I did something like that in one of my vlogs back in January.

Wonder if you can switch words, and spell cat on your left hand and dog on your right hand? (or vice versa).