Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My experience at the recent ASLTA Conference

Some Photos from ASLTA 2007
Me and Jill Lestina another ASL Vlogger
Dr. Eddy Laird and I signing our presentation at the Chaper Luncheon
My goofy friends Amy and Christine at the Masquerade Banquet
Dr. Laird, Jackie Kanekuni and I representing the Frederick ASLTA Chapter are HAPPY to accept the Chapter Recognization Award from ASLTA


Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures! Glad to see my cousin Eddy is doing well :)

Also, can you follow up my recent vlog? I need some comment from anybody who teach ASL class. I need their feedback.

Topic: Deaf Community vs. ASL Students



NavyBeagle said...


Glad you shared this to gain my knowledge about what's like to be in ASLTA workshops.

Nice background.

Karen Putz said...

It's good to see a picture of Jill-- I haven't seen her in years!

John Lestina --- said...

Response to David M.: CLICK HERE

Beaux Arts de Boutjean said...

It was good to see a picture of Eddie Laird. It was in 1970s when I last saw him at GU. Tempus fugit! Thanks for sharing.

I have a question to ask you. Since Hood College is in Frederick, I am curious to know if any Hood College graduate is teaching at Maryland School. In my time, there was no teacher at MSD from Hood.

Jaymie said...

Hi David. Thanks so much for summing up your trip to the conference. Hopefully the next one won't be too far away from California. I couldn't take time off from work this time. But, glad it was a success!

On a bad note, I got word that someone I knew died in a motorcycle crash while attending the ASLTA Conference in Tampa. It was a horrible news for us here in Southern California. :-(

David A. Martin said...

I do not know of anyone that is from Hood and teaches at MSD. in fact Dr. Denton did offer Hood to set up Deaf Ed program but they were not interested so he went and contacted Western Md College(now McDaniel).

Devin Barnes got involved in a scooter accident while he was doing ASL Expo in Fla few weeks before ASLTA....he was in coma and later died during same weekend as ASLTA


Jaymie said...

Thanks for clarifying what really happened. Sad, eh?

Anonymous said...

Hi David,

That sounds really fantastic and a lot of fun at ASLTA confernce!! Myself teach ASL part time. I still want to learn some more depth of ASL. Do you know when ASLTA confrence again in 2008?? If so, please let me know. Imagine I never been to any ASL confernces or workshops. I would love to go. Thanks!!


Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing!

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